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Weekly briefing 10.6.24

Pokesdown Community Primary School – Weekly Briefing – 10th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a great first week back at school. The children (and staff) have all returned ready for the final learning journey of the school year. This half term is always one of the busiest and it has certainly been very busy this week – next week is shaping up to be even busier!
We commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day in assembly this week. Mr Biddle spoke to the children about how Weymouth, Poole and Bournemouth all played their part in this significant date in history. He also told us the poignant story of Tyneham – the village that was taken over by the army in the months before D-Day. The residents hoped to be able to return, however this was not to be. The village still belongs to the army and the villagers were never able to return to their homes. If you have not visited Tyneham – it is well worth a visit. As it is part of the army it is important that you check the website to see when it is open.

As we’ve said before this half term is really busy. This week alone we have had Town Sports, Year 6’s outcome -  where parents learnt the jive and Hokey Cokey, a community tea party led by Year 2 and wonderful acting of a Midsummer Night's Dream by Year 5 within the wooded area of Fisherman’s Walk. Please look out for letters about Sports Day, Silent Disco, the Summer Fair and end of term arrangements that will come home in the coming weeks.
Have a fantastic weekend.
The Pokesdown Team
